"...All Other Ground is Sinking Sand"
I came back from church tonight, having just viewed a Christian film with the youth. In this film, someone sings the words of this hymn:
My hope is built on nothing less / Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness / I dare not trust the sweetest frame / But wholly lean on Jesus’ name / On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand / All other ground is sinking sand / All other ground is sinking sand
And then, browsing through John's gospel, I read the words of Jesus, which caused the words from a modern-day chorus to echo in my heart...
The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves Me must follow Me; and where I am, My servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves Me. (John 12:23-26)
"Be Lifted High" / Leeland Mooring / (C) 2006 Meaux Mercy (admin. by EMI CMG Publishing)
In Christ..we are a new creation!
Not a chrysalis with taped-on butterfly wings!
Ron - thank you for your encouragement - "all else is sinking sand" Praise the Lord that we can stand on the Rock which is Christ Jesus. Blessings to you.
hello, l.b. and esme'
blessings to you. truly, we are experiencing -- on an international level -- "the communion of saints" here in this blog. as together we labor to see the birthing of JOHN. sometimes, i forget what an awesome privellage it really is, to be able to fellowship with you in this way...Praise God!
Bless Ronald ..who is a precious instrument in Your Hands.
We can ALL be ecstatic to be in the family of God!
I ask Almighty God,our Father,to Anoint every brother and sister in Christ today,with a generous dollop of Heaven's Own Oil...
let it run down and cover every place The Holy Spirit longs to reach...children of The Living God....REJOICE!!!!!
Open your hearts,your minds,your will....to the rock-solid Love of Christ...who seeks to Bless each and every one of us!!
If we are tested to our capacity...
Let us be blessed with "Holy Audacity"....
Jesus it is You,
You Shine through!
The enemy crawls in like a shady weavel,
WE show no fear like "evil-kanieval".
Oh ...Child of Almighty God ...
Sing and keep singing...
Your Praise rises to Almighty God ,and He Rejoices in The Sound!!!!!
Let everything in you Praise His Holy Name..
No matter if you are sad or happy......just keep singing to Our Lord.....He will Take Care of the rest!!!!!
Oh Child of God you are Blessed!!!!
DO you not see?
the whole world writhes in agony....and we the Chosen Sons and Daughters .have only to lift our voices/....off key..on key no matter...He hears and is Glorified!!!!!.
Hi there ! I am so glad that I am not the only one that is blown away by the fact that there is no distance between us and that we can communicate like this - Whoever invented this thing called the internet - WELL DONE !!! It just comes home to me all the time what a great and awesome God we serve - we give Him all the glory ! Blessings to you all !
May we not shy away from the
Gem-Polisher's stone"
nor pass up any moment in the
Shine Jesus Shine!
The distance between courage and foolishness...
is a whisper.....
Oh that it be only The Breathe of Almighty God.
Hi Kris in WA - nice to hear your voice again ! Christmas time ahead - what a pleasure - family, friends, good food and the joy of Jesus. What more could we want ? It is summertime in SA and so we always have a hot Christmas - would love to experience a white Christmas sometime in my life - but this is where the Lord placed me so I am happy. Still praying for "John". Who knows, perhaps 2007 will be the year that John will be completed on film ? wouldnt that be great ? looking forward to seeing what our awesome God is going to do. Blessings to you.
to rough diamond,
welcome to the adventure that is JOHN!
appreciate your elloquent words of praise and prayer!
yes! let it be so! 2007 the year of JOHN!
i live in California, and I have not experienced a "white christmas" either... but PRAISE TO JESUS He has us where He wants us to be, and He blesses us wherever we go!
Posted by rough diamond to Making The Film: The Gospel According To John (Official Production Blog) at 12/01/2006 02:50:00 AM
Before others catch the vision,it's born in the heart of one person.Before one Hebrew slave caught the vision of the promised land,Moses "saw" it. He saw a people no longer bound by chains,building homes and businesses,growing crops and worshipping God.But how did he keep his vision alive in the wilderness? The Bible says"He persevered because he saw Him who is invisible" "(Hebrews 11:27 NIV). Moses was sustained by what he saw.So your vision,if it's God,will sustain you through the worst of times.Actually,without a vision,we perish. God will never give you a vision you can fulfil alone. He'll bring others alongside to compensate for your weaknesses.He gave Joshua to Moses to be his personal assistant.He gave Aaron and Hur to hold up his hands so that the battle could be won. He gave him his father-in-law,Jethro,to save him from a leader's most dreaded fate-death by administration. Finally,He gave 70 more leaders with the right "spirit" to complete the job. "But i'm getting old" you say... Moses changed his life at 40 and found his identity at 80. Had you seen him at 40,you'd have said"Surely he's the man for the job:educated by royalty,trained by generals,with instant access to Pharaoh".But you'd have been wrong. The 80 year old Moses may smell like a shepherd and speak like a farmer,but he's God's choice! When you surrender your life to God you'll discover something wonderful-God's not limited by your limitations!
Lord...When our cry is for more supplies on our pathetic life-raft..help us to see the OCEAN-LINER that is right alongside us...signalling and hornblowing to get our attention to climb aboard!!!!
Grab the ladder!!!!
amen to THAT, rd!
We often picture our walk with God, as a walk along the beach..and when we tire,He carries us,and there's only one set of prints.....
when we can't see the way,He shines the torch....a groove we are accustomed to...and when we jump the rail,we feel it....
A caotic moment,and when we scream for help..He is there...
Sometimes,He leaps across a precipice,and you can be sure...that He CARRIES us!
What a picture!~
When we are in our most unsafe moment...He is The Safety that lands us on the other side!
Thank You Lord for Your ability to carry us,and plant us safely ,on the other side!
I just got this picture of Faith....
Imagine a foggy foggy night ...visibility...nil.
What is the first thing we do?
Turn on the High Beams!
Imagine the situation...but with NO Lights!
Yes! That's right!
Turn off your lights...
Imagine the Faith required to keep
driving,with no lights!
That...my friends,is sometimes what it's like!
Acquiring a taste for "pea Soup" helps!
That is the challenge!
Buckle up,and go for it.....
Jesus HAS the WHEEL! AMEN!
Let Your Reign come down,
Let Your Love be felt,
Let Your Reign come down,
Let our knees be knelt,
Let Your Reign come down,
Let our heads be bowed,
Let Your Reign come down,
Let our hearts be ploughed,
Let Your Reign come down,
Let our closed eyes see
the life of blessing
when we fear Thee.......
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