
Miracle of the Heart

What is a miracle?

A miracle took place in my heart this week. A realization. A clear view of where the Lord would have me go. And I feel so free -- yet at the same time I feel the gravity of what it means to embark on this new journey. It will take a new kind of determination and hard work.



But, it's worth it.

We all experience these miracles in our hearts. It comes after an extended season of praying and seeking God. Some of us fast. Some of us meditate on the Word. Some of us talk to our pastors or a trusted brother or sister in the Lord. But, mostly it is all of these in combination with life-events that God uses to speak to us.

And when He speaks, it's a miracle. A miracle takes place in our heart. How could it be any other way when the Living God speaks to your heart?

When Bruce and I pray about JOHN, we experience this kind of miracle of the heart every week. The presence of God couldn't be thicker. And we feel the embrace of God and we know that God's people are praying. And we know that the Holy Spirit is touching hearts to be invovled. To roll up their sleeves and be a part of this project born out of a burden for the lost and a deep restless hunger to see Jesus lifted high.

But, how many of us allow ourselves the chance to experience this miracle of the heart? How many of us are willing to say "Yes and Amen" when God whispers in our hearts -- "This is the way in which you should go!"

If only we would say yes.

I'm at a loss for words to describe this miracle of the heart. That moment when we bow our hearts, and say "Yes and Amen" to His call!

(Yes, I'm back because the Lord's compelled me to continue writing! A new video blog is up. This one is a two-parter as well. It is up on MySpace and will soon be up on YouTube as well.)



Anonymous said...

Oh goody ! I felt most bereft !
Praise the Lord. The miracle of this internet ..... blows my mind.
God bless you. Esme - S. Africa

Anonymous said...

"First Love"....

Oh Lord,You're Beautiful
Your Face is all i see
for when Your Eyes are on this child...
Your Grace abounds to me.

Oh Lord,please light the fire
that once burned bright and clean
replace the lamp of "my first Love"
that burns with Holy Fear....

I want to take Your Word and shine it all around
but first help me just to live it,Lord
and when I'm doing well,help me to never seek a crown
for my reward is giving Glory to You!!!!

Lyrics by the late...Keith Green
Glory and Honour Lord!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"The Storm vs The Sunshine"....

Nobody EVER "weathered" a sunny day
and felt relieved!
It's a piece of cake!
When you enter a tempest,and fight your way through it
have struggled,and drawn on every ounce of faith you have
and seen the storm,and felt the pelts of lashing ,stinging rain,and had to fend off every hail-pellet that intended to distract you,and cut you down,
and the dark,
the absence of light,
the unexpected snare that caught you off guard
the attack from a "so-called friendly corner"....
the "i don't get you" attitude
the "my heart is not where you are" look,
the "i hear you,but i don't hold that dream, so i don't know how to respond " look
the "good luck with that" ,response
the "you are a little strange,and therefore i can't understand!" look
the "wish i could say something to help/understand" look...that leaves you on your own...
Guess what!?
In this kind of loneliness...we are anything BUT alone!
Our Heavenly Father is right there...He ASSURES us that...
we can
feel good,and safe,and accompanied,and comforted,and supported,and helped,and heard,and strengthened...in JUST that kind of loneliness!
Jesus walked the same lonely steps toward His Goal of The Cross,and for the JOY set before Him...He endured all manner of deprivation!!!!
and all you can do
is KNOW that resistance makes the muscles stronger!
If you want maximum results in a work-out...you go for resistance training,cause that's the best way to tax your muscles,and get the best results!
It is the same with Faith!
If you leave your muscles limp,and inactive...resting...
you will never see the power that comes from muscles that have been tested,strained...pushed to the limit...beyond breaking point!
Find your strength in God!
Know who you are in Christ,be confident in God's "identity analysis..".
Keep in sight your destiny...and God will take care of the rest...
He KNOWS you
that's all you need to remember!
No arrow from anyone will harm you...
with God as your protector!
You may see them coming...but you'll never feel them!
This is God's Promise Today!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rough Diamond - This is exactly what I needed to take to heart today. Bless you. what a great and mighty God we serve. Thanks - Esme'

Anonymous said...

The imperativeness of seeing with the eyes of your heart!
It's so much more alive!fun,and wild!
Let's face it...there's only so much joy,a normal day can offer...
but,to see with your heart's eyes...the sky is the limit!
You'll see rainbows on a grey day,
a hundred smiles that come your way
winning regattas on stormy seas
words that take you to your knees
in Thanks and Worship
for all the things unseen by others
love your sisters and your brothers
(well it rhymed)ha!
flights that take you where you're going
source for which you can't be knowing!
Needs that all of a sudden..are met
bulging ,straining "goodies net"
help that comes from out of blue
gifts all soaked in "I LOve You!"
A quiet heart that raged before
a visitor is standing at the door..
Oh let Him in
and just begin
to see with the eyes of your heart!
The beauty He has planned for you
The Joy surround,the Peace within
Lord,don't ever let us be

Anonymous said...

oenukWe are to hear.All of us are.
That is what the whole Bible is calling out."Hear,O Israel!"
But hear what? Hear what?
The Bible is hundreds upon hundreds of voices all calling at once out of the past and clamouring for our attention like barkers at a fair,
like air-raid sirens,
like a whole barnyard of cockrows as the first long shafts of dawn fan across the sky.
Some of the voices are shouting,like Moses' voice,
so all Israel,all the world,can hear,
and some are so soft and halting,that you can hardly hear them at all,like Job with ashes on his head and his heart broken.,
like old Simeon whispering
"Lord,now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace."......
and somewhere in the midst of them all
ONE particular Voice speaks out that is unlike any other voice because it speaks directly to the deepest privacy and longing and weariness of each of us
that there are times
when the centuries blow away like mist,
and it is as if we stand with no shelter of time at all between ourselves and the


"COME," the voice says.




(Frederick Beuchner)

For the WORD of GOD
is Living and Active.
Sharper than any double-edged sword,it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit,
joints and marrow,
it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

Anonymous said...

When we're kneeling
whispering "Jesus.....please"
He takes a stick
in His Hand
and writes these words
in the sand
When we surrender
what's on our plate....
Jesus stoops
right where we are
Thank You Lord!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jesus ...Loves Justice"...

Jesus meets you where you sit
where you kneel
and where you try
right the wrongs and
mend the fray
Justice is "planted" when we say
Take it all
take it now
fix the error of the way
life has dealt an unfair blow
His solution seems so slow
"In His Time"
the Justice comes and
Where there's no reason and no rhyme
the best result appears
and blows the mind!
Vengeance is Mine
Says The Lord!
It always ends with a greater story
God Alone Gets All the GLORY!!!!
Let it go!
And let Him take it
there's no way you're going to make it
better than the way He planned
All your concerns are
in His Hand!
Leave them there and
get on with believing
soon enough
you'll be receiving
all the blessings foreordained
and all the dreams you entertained
and more!
When we surrender our injustices to God
He "goes to town",
and the hidden blessings that ensue
are tantamount to
anything our imagination ever grew
and better
Jesus has it all worked out
down the last letter!
Forgive and GLIDE!!!!
Cut the engine
and GLIDE!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Listening to your life".....

Listen to your life-
all moments are key moments.
See it for the fathomless mystery that it is,
for the boredom and pain of it,
no less than the excitement and gladness.
Touch,taste,and smell your way to the Holy and hidden HEART of it,
because in the last analysis
all moments are key moments,
Life itself

(Beuchner gem)

Anonymous said...

Hello Ronald,
Esme',Marlena and Kris...and beyond!

God Delights in surprising us!

He dots our pilgrimage from earth to Heaven with amazing serendipities!

Isaiah 43:9
doing a new thing!
Now it springs up,do you not perceive it?
making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland!"

This has blessed me today,and i KNOW
Its Holy Spirit POWER
will change things for you too!
Grab hold of it
and absorb the promise!
What a GIFT!
Thank You Heavenly Father!!!

Anonymous said...

What encouragement, what insight into one's heart, what beauty has been revealed by your words. I sit here moved and inspired. Thank you. So good to hear your voices again. God bless all. Esme' - S.Africa.

Anonymous said...

"Take my life,and let be consecrated Lord to Thee
Take my moments and my days
let them flow in ceaseless praise
Take my hands,and let them move
at the impulse of Thy Love
Take my feet,and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.

Take my voice,and let me sing always,only for my King
Take my lips,and let them be filled with messages from Thee
Take my silver and my gold;
not a mite would i withhold
Take my intellect,and use every power as Thou shalt choose.

Take my will,and make it Thine;
it shall be no longer mine
it shall be "THY ROYAL THRONE"
Take my love,my Lord i pour
at Thy Feet its treasure store
Take myself,and i will be
all for Thee."

The more we
give away
of "us"
The more we

Anonymous said...

Lord Jesus....
The more i let you love me
The more of me i give
The more layers of my heart
I gladly peel away
The closer i get to You
The more i Trust
The more i embrace Your
of a better way to live
When everything is quiet
and distractions have blown away
And all that's left is You and me
Face to face in love's cocoon
I bear the GIFT of
"Two hearts LOCKED"
Safe and Bound

In the original Greek
Burden means GIFT!
A burden isn't heavy
when it's carried with
When we have a burden on our heart
we offer it to God,and it becomes
a sacrifice...being made Holy
by Love...
and God takes it and creates
a Gift and Blessing!

Anonymous said...

The sweetest song
the lark ever sings
is from the thornbush.....

Anonymous said...

"Jesus..so Tender"

Today,i had an encounter that simply lays me out..emotionally...
I am smitten by Jesus' Tenderness...
I was at work,and a client came with a hand-made,needlepoint work,that she dad done,which was made for her granddaughter...a baby,
and i commented how
it was lovely that the child would always have this,and it would always be special 'cause Nan made it etc.,to which she replied
She was actually still-born,at full term.....
There was a subdued exchange of words that followed,then,she said
"she never even got to breathe"...
Well,it was only by God's Grace that i carried the transaction to its conclusion,without the tears ...that were straining for freedom behind my eyes!
Just as i was at the computer,getting the final quote for the frame that would encase this woman's wonderful gift...to the parents ....in loving memory the baby they'd lost...
I heard a whisper,as clear as day!
It was as if Jesus was standing at my left shoulder,and He said
" Tell her...she DID get to breathe,and
Holding Her!!!"
Again...with Heaven's help for composure...
i eased my way into this message ,with a gentle hug for her as she was making her way to the door...and she said"aren't you lovely"
when i got outside...i told her...
and she said "Oh,,thank you..I think she's an angel"
to which i replied
"Yes,she is...
she brought you to me"....

She smiled..and thanked me again..
I am overwhelmed by it all...and can now pray for this family,in their time of sorrow and grief.
Isn't Jesus just the most
LIke i said...i am
held captive,
and spellbound
by Jesus'
"Tender Love"...manifested today!

Anonymous said...

Dear Rough Diamond - I was so moved by your post today. I too have babies waiting for me in Heaven that Jesus is looking after. What a gentle and loving saviour we have. Thanks for blessing me again. Esme'

Anonymous said...

" Exhale"...
Strikes me...
We go through life,holding our breath...for one reason or other...
waiting for so many things,
an apology that may never come,
a reconciliation that may not be best for us
a better life,where things are easier,and we are more comfortable...
a new-improved us,that can take on the world...
waiting...holding our breath...
for so many things...
you fill in the blanks...
but ,i can see...
that we all need to
cause then there's the deep intake of air!that fills the lungs
oxygenates the system,and livens up the cells throughout,that help us see things clearly!
just exhale...let it all go...
Take a deep breath,and move forward,with God's Promises and Unconditional Love,rushing in to revive a weakened,life-starved body.
The trouble with one-day..
it's actually none-day
the day we need to be living is
Take today,and give it your best shot!
And don't forget to breathe!!

Anonymous said...

You know when you're hard up against the mirror,and everything is blurry?!
But when you step back..it's clearer...
When our focus is on The Lord...
He makes everything else so clear!
We see people in a crisper way...
we see them as He sees them..
and when we reach out,and help others
the Blessings that flood us,heal us,nurture us,and empower us, are amazing!
That is how it works...
and it beats stumbling around,with everything foggy,
endlessly bumping into things...
On our own steam,...
when our focus is on us,there's not a lot we CAN do,for others,'cause we can't SEE them so well!
From the heart..the mouth speaks...
so with a heart for others,there's every chance you'll bless someone
by speaking Love,kindness,Truth and Compassion into their life!

Anonymous said...

"Just come to Him as you are"....

Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
Fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;
Sight, riches, healing of the mind,
Yea, all I need in Thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, Thy love unknown
Hath broken every barrier down;
Now, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, of that free love
The breadth, length, depth, and height to prove,
Here for a season, then above,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!


Anonymous said...

Last night ,i watched Oprah's The Secret...
and now i can't resist expressing what i thought....

It is NO secret what God can do
what He's done for others..He'll do for you
with Arms wide open,He'll Pardon you
It is NO SECRET what God can do!

The trouble with New Age thinking...is that every thanks and gratitude goes to
The Universe...
i don't know about you,but
I would rether have a Relationship with God
than the universe!
If they can make a deal with the universe,then they don't have to accept that they are sinners,and need to be saved By Grace,and with a humble heart..thank Jesus for dying to save them.
Jesus' Crucifiction made it possible for us to HAVE such a relationship!
They spoke of us,,.being spiritual,and yes,
we are...but they they ommitted to
that in ALL of us..there is a
Only He can fit it!and fill it.
It is the shape of the Cross!
On our own,we draw from a fallen nature..and that only goes so far...
we need the relationship with God to manifest all the fruits and gifts of
The Character of The Man!
All they are doing,is showing the Qualities of Jesus toward others
without including Him....
they side-step the VITAL act of asking Him into their heart...
They seem to think that on our own steam,and drawing from a goodness inside,and vibrating off energy that's out there,etc.,we can attract positive energy our way...
That kinda' leaves God out!
That's like saying We're O.K. just as we are!and we alone can conjure up good vibrations,and we alone can tap into the Universe and get all the good vibes...by being positive.
When trouble comes,and you are taxed,
if ALL you have is you
and you are tired ,
it's good to go to the Arms of JESUS,and let HIm
Hold you
I'd like to see the universe do THAT!
It IS crucial,that we spend our days,showing love and compassion for others,
but Thank The Lord..
and as Forrest Gump said...
That's all
i'm going to say
about that....

Anonymous said...

Wishing all the family of God on this Blog a blessed Easter. Tomorrow (3rd April) is Passover for the Jewish people. What joy to know that we have been passed over from death unto life because of the Blood of Jesus.

Anonymous said...

"Serving" & "Servanthood"....

The Son of Man did not come to be served,but to serve...
"put on the apron of humility,to serve one another"....
To serve,is to love the overlooked.
When you love the misfit,and befriend the hurting,you love Jesus.
"Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored...you did it to ME!
Helen Keller said...
when she was young she longed to do great things and could not,
so she decided to do small things
in a great way.
Don't be too big
to do
something small.
Throw yourself into the work of The Master
confident that nothing you do
for Him
is a waste of time or effort.
Jesus selected prayer over sleep
and flawed apostles over
obedient angels.
When they feared the storm
He stilled it!
When they needed money for taxes
He supplied it!
Though none of the apostles washed His Feet
He washed theirs.
Though none of the soldiers at
The Cross
begged for mercy
He extended it!
Though His followers skedaddled
like scared rabbits on Wednesday
He came searching for them on Easter Saturday.
The Resurrected King ascended to Heaven
only after He'd spent 40 days with His friends
teaching them
encouraging them
serving them!
No matter how talented or successful we become
we all need a dose of servanthood.
Don't be so focused on what what you love to do
that you neglect what needs to be done.
True accounts abound,of people who go out and start serving,volentarily,only to find...
they experience an amazing HIGH!
That's the Miracle of God's Design right there!
One thing i remember from High School Economics is..
"supply and demand..."
(the other is wage/price spiral,but that doesn't apply HA!)
and i am sure ,that there is no threat of demand dwindling....
so that just leaves supply...
and that my good friends...
is us!
Have an awesome day In Christ
and remember...
"Jesus Loves me this i know
for the Bible tells me so
little ones to Him BELONG
they are weak


Anonymous said...

othxqkgl"Serving" & "Servanthood"....

The Son of Man did not come to be served,but to serve...
"put on the apron of humility,to serve one another"....
To serve,is to love the overlooked.
When you love the misfit,and befriend the hurting,you love Jesus.
"Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored...you did it to ME!
Helen Keller said...
when she was young she longed to do great things and could not,
so she decided to do small things
in a great way.
Don't be too big
to do
something small.
Throw yourself into the work of The Master
confident that nothing you do
for Him
is a waste of time or effort.
Jesus selected prayer over sleep
and flawed apostles over
obedient angels.
When they feared the storm
He stilled it!
When they needed money for taxes
He supplied it!
Though none of the apostles washed His Feet
He washed theirs.
Though none of the soldiers at
The Cross
begged for mercy
He extended it!
Though His followers skedaddled
like scared rabbits on Wednesday
He came searching for them on Easter Saturday.
The Resurrected King ascended to Heaven
only after He'd spent 40 days with His friends
teaching them
encouraging them
serving them!
No matter how talented or successful we become
we all need a dose of servanthood.
Don't be so focused on what what you love to do
that you neglect what needs to be done.
True accounts abound,of people who go out and start serving,volentarily,only to find...
they experience an amazing HIGH!
That's the Miracle of God's Design right there!
One thing i remember from High School Economics is..
"supply and demand..."
(the other is wage/price spiral,but that doesn't apply HA!)
and i am sure ,that there is no threat of demand dwindling....
so that just leaves supply...
and that my good friends...
is us!
Have an awesome day In Christ
and remember...
"Jesus Loves me this i know
for the Bible tells me so
little ones to Him BELONG
they are weak


Anonymous said...

Just an aside to clear up a spelling mistake from a previous post
(not Crucifiction)
That's been sitting uncomfortably for days!
Whew! I feel so much better...
It was like having ill-fitting clothing...all scrunched up!

I am holding another Award...
The "Punctilious" Award...

not the "G A L Award"
(get a life) HA!

If there was an award for

"Spelling Mistakes Phobia..."

i guess
i'd proudly cradle
that one

Anonymous said...

" I Love the way You"....

I love the way You
became a man,to feel all the things we feel

I love the way You
love children

I love the way You
have a soft-spot for women

I love the way You
took so much abuse,for US!

I love the way You

I love the way You
suffered and died to bring us to you

I love the way You
show us Your JOY

I love the way You
invented HUMOUR!

I love the way You
came from Glory and Splendour
to EMBRACE the filth of this world!

I love the way You
Hold us close to your Loving Heart

I love the way You
gave us The Holy Spirit
to comfort and guide us

I love the way You
SEE into our hearts
and our pain and joy is IMPORTANT
to You

I love the way You
Know us BY NAME!

I love the way you
have a magnificent
HOME waiting for us

I love the way You
speak Words of Love and Healing into lives

I love the way You
show us how to love others

I love the way You
Gave us The Holy Scriptures
to be our Navigation through
this bewildering world!

I love the way You
love to surprise us!

I love the way You
bleed from the Heart
for the lost

I love the way You
ask us to DELIGHT in You
and Promise us
the DESIRES of our hearts

I love the way You

I love the way You
are the WINNING SIDE!!

I love the way You
Cherish us!

I love the way You
concentrate on everything about us!

I just Love You!

Anonymous said...

In the "wee small hours ."..

i got to picturing my heart as a house...
It's an amazing exercise...
from the very first awareness that we have a heart
the present day,and all the changes
that left their mark:
as a result of our experiences...
what an illuminating discovery...

Like a silent film...
Flickering seasons of innocent rapture
Warm,glowy seasons of delicious discovery
Colder seasons of threatening wind and forceful rains that
called for closed windows
tight shutters
iron bars...for a season....

I stand at the door
and knock!"

Jesus never intrudes
He waits
and doesn't stop knocking

till one by one
the bars come off
the shutters are released
and the windows are
flung open !
The door too is opened
and in He walks!

He's my in-home security system!

His Presence,allows me to leave all the windows open,and the door unlocked!
Which is handy,'cause
you get more visitors that way!!!!

The problem with boarded up windows and locked doors is
you might think you're
keeping danger out
you're actually keeping
"you from LIFE!"

"Of all the powers,
Love is the most powerful
and the most powerless.
It is the most powerful,
because it alone can conquer
the impregnable stronghold
that is
the human heart.
It is the most powerless,
it can do nothing
consent! "

If Jesus is not already inside....
He will never leave
your front porch!
That's Him...knocking now.

Anonymous said...

Farewell...my beautiful friends....
I will "go off road "
for a while...and
this is to say...
Jesus Is Everything!
I must spend
intimate time with Him,so
Bless you all!
Happy Easter!
It's been such an
incredibly life-enhancing time!
'Look forward to The Movie...
God richly Bless you Esme'....
I know He has a soft-spot
for YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

"The Jerusalem Passion"
The Consolation....

He drew me out of many waters, receiving Me into his bosom, therefore I say, therefore I say:

Into Your hands I commit My spirit,
into Your arms I commit My soul, for You are my rock,
Jehovah, provider,
You are my rock,
El Shaddai, My hiding place.

Mercy and truth have met together, peace and righteousness have kissed each other,
therefore I say, therefore I say:

Into Your hands I commit My spirit,
Into Your arms I commit My soul, For You are my rock,
Jehovah, provider,
You are My rock,
El Shaddai, My hiding place.
[Psalm 18:16, 85:10; Luke 23:46]

Thank The Lord
"off road"
was a circular drive-way!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you are back Rough Diamond ! You have been such a blessing........
Jesus loves YOU.

Anonymous said...

"New Life from Death!"
Easter Sunday..
i attended a different Church
and for the first time
participated in a wonderfully
symbolic act,of
dressing three crosses out the front of said Church
They keep those up till Wednesday...cool!
Symbolising...New Life from death!
New Life through RESSURECTION!
The more of our sinful nature we put to death...
the more new life we are given!
What a wonderful Easter ...
Thank You Lord for
ALL that You
went through,and
Thank You for
LOVING us so much!
May we hold fast to
that this perpetually means!!!!
On a daily basis,let us remember
how much was attained
when Jesus suffered,and gave up His Life
for us!
He wants us to be fully aware of
that is now available to us!
Thank You for never letting go
for never giving up
Oh The LOVE!!!!
for now...
we too can live our lives
wanting to do
The Will of Our Father.

Anonymous said...

There Is A River

Words and Music by Max and David Sapp

There is a river that flows from deep within.
There is a fountain that frees the soul from sin.
Come to these waters, there is a vast supply.
There is a river that never shall run dry.

There came a sound from Heaven, like a mighty rushing wind.
It filled their hearts with singing and gave them peace within.
The Master gave this promise, the Spirit will descend
And from your inner being a river with no end.

There came a thirsty woman, who was drawing from a well.
Her life was ruined and wasted, her soul was bound for Hell.
But then she met the Master, who told of her great sin
And if you’ll drink this water, you’ll never thirst again.

There is a river that flows from God above.
There is a fountain, that’s filled with His great love.
Come to the water, there is a vast supply.
There is a river, that never shall run dry.
That never shall run dry.

Anonymous said...

"Jesus in a Chinese Restaurant"

Today,quite out of the blue,
my daughter arrived,and said she had a couple of hours to kill,as the carpet-layer was in her recently acquired store,and asked if we would like to go to lunch...
while he beautified her work-surroundings...

My youngest and I accompanied her to our favourite Yum Cha Restaurant,and towards the end of our stay,suddenly there was a commotion over by the ladies' bathroom area...where an elderly Chinese woman was trying to get help to her collapsed friend,
who emerged,moments later, with the help of two men ,floppy,and pale,and obviously in a state of near collapse...
they lay her (middle-aged)out along chairs that had been pushed together,and from where we sat...we could see that things were rapidly deteriorating,in that ..the people around her were showing signs of panic,and it was clear that the woman was losing consciousness!
I started to feel very very affected...
irrepressibly engaged!
in that ,
i wanted to cry,
i just felt so INVOLVED in my spirit!!!!
They were shaking her and trying to revive her..and then started
C P R !!!!
but she now lay perfectly limp...
all at once ,it was clear to my daughter and i,that prayer was REQUIRED,and FAST!!!!!
She even said to me
Amazing how we are here right now,out of the blue,available to pray for this poor woman.
I stretched my hand open toward her,and asked Jesus to be with her,and pictured Him leaning over her still,lifeless form,and TOUCHING her back to consciousness!
Just then...a woman came over ,(non Chinese)and told them she was a nurse,and could she assist...
LIKE AN ANGEL....( she was even blonde and petite and quite the gentle-soul)
she knew so much more than the people trying so desperately to help!
She became even more essential in the translation of information to the Paramedics when they finally arrived...
This suffering woman(they said) had something seriously wrong in her gastric system and heart!...
but i believe the HEALING and RECOVERY began the SECOND i asked Jesus to Touch her!
Shortly after we prayed...she started to move her feet,and then her upper body...to the point where
by the time the Paramedics needed her to co-operate with their attempts to get her onto the stretcher...she was able to!
What's EVEN MORE amazing is...
as she was being
wheeled away...
she looked DIRECTLY at ME,and for a few seconds..our eyes locked...and ..
what an intensely
"undisturbed gaze" THAT was...
My eyes held the deepest concern for her
and i believe
she beheld that!
Oh the Preciousness of
The Living God!
We can do nothing other
than MARVEL!!!!
and Be awe-struck by His
Precious Lord

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful Autumn (you would say "Fall") day today ! Don't you ever want to just jump for JOY and thank Jesus for His awesome creation ? What a great and mighty God we serve.
Thank you for sharing all your "miracle of the Heart" with me - I am truly blessed !
Esme' South Africa

Anonymous said...

This little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
Let it shine
Let it shine
Let it shine

Though the day seems blackest night
There is illuminating LIGHT
From heart within
shining out
on the path where feet will follow
Jesus knows what we're about.

Don't be afraid to empty your hands
'cause you might just find
is wanting
hold it!!!!

Anonymous said...

When we've wrestled with our own humanity
gone a few rounds with the flesh
the bell dings...and....
It is SO good to
stand straight up
set the face,and posture....
recite the Scriptures,that
IGNITE with immediate
FORTITUDE!(mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously: Never once did her fortitude waver during that long illness.)
and set off...
smashing every adversary that
is stupid enough to try and
TAKE US ON!!!!!!

There's the gentleness
and there's also
Jesus knows that we need supernatural strength sometimes
'cause life is rough....
and He has it in VAST quantities...
We are in a war down here....
We can put on
do battle....anytime,anywhere!
Praise God!!!!
(the way i feel right now...
i might just
go out and
PICK A FIGHT!!!) ha !...

Alone,we could never stand against the enemy...
with God's FULL PROTECTION!!!!
are you KIDDING???!!!!!

Precious Lord....
Thank YOu for Your Might
and Power
and Majesty,and
Immense Love for us!!!!
Have a great day everyone...
see you on the battle-field...
I'll be the one charging around shouting
"New Zealand is MY island!!!!!"
like the "deluded" Irishman in
Stand and defend
Stay on your guard...
(no...i'm too young to have gone to Woodstock)
Of ALL the gifts of The Spirit
In Jesus' Name Amen!

Anonymous said...

"Our lives are set
to the
gentle rhythms of Grace..."

A.the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.
b. the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them.
c. a virtue or excellence of divine origin: the Christian graces.
d. Also called state of grace. the condition of being in God's favor or one of the elect.
e. moral strength: the grace to perform a duty.

God wrote the "score"
for everyone
He breathed life into!....

a written or printed piece of music with all the vocal and instrumental parts arranged on staves, one under the other.

b. the music itself.

c. the music played as background to or part of a movie, play, or television presentation ....

Rests,are as important as
furiously played clusters of
busy note arrangements...

If music be the food
of life/love...
play on !!!!

Anonymous said...

"Identifying the enemy"...

There's the siamese twins
"Luke" and "warm"...
There's identical twins
"wishy and washy"...
There's that geek
There's that sly
There's that lout
There's the sad clowns
"down" and "frowns"
There's the UNdynamic duo
"give" and "up"....
There's the Ranger Lone...
There's the thug...gloveless
known as
There's the brothers-lonely
"what if" and "if only"....
There's that hard-hitter
There's that stealing-"civ"
There's that heavy-handed
There's that dope

All these enemies...
Their wanted posters are up
Seize them and haul them in....
don't let them roam free!!!
Identify them and
and turn them in!!!!
Take them to
Don't take them
on a picnic!!!!
You are

Anonymous said...

" I Heard The VOICE
of JESUS Say......"

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Come unto Me and rest;
Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast.”
I came to Jesus as I was, weary and worn and sad;
I found in Him a resting place, and He has made me glad.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Behold, I freely give
The living water; thirsty one, stoop down, and drink, and live.”
I came to Jesus, and I drank of that life giving stream;
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, and now I live in Him.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “I am this dark world’s Light;
Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, and all thy day be bright.”
I looked to Jesus, and I found in Him my Star, my Sun;
And in that light of life I’ll walk, till traveling days are done.

Oh travellers....
EMBRACE the words
and let Jesus

Anonymous said...

"Jesus Imprint...."

'Just had a vision of
pushing against the fabric
of our lives
The Cloth that
wraps us
Clothes us
Leaving His
on the very
Fibre of
What a Beautiful Design!!!

Anonymous said...

"I Heard the Voice
of Jesus

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Come unto Me and rest;
Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast.”
I came to Jesus as I was, weary and worn and sad;
I found in Him a resting place, and He has made me glad.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Behold, I freely give
The living water; thirsty one, stoop down, and drink, and live.”
I came to Jesus, and I drank of that life giving stream;
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, and now I live in Him.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “I am this dark world’s Light;
Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, and all thy day be bright.”
I looked to Jesus, and I found in Him my Star, my Sun;
And in that light of life I’ll walk, till traveling days are done.

Oh travellers...
embrace these words
and let them
come alive for you!

Anonymous said...

"David and Goliath"...
We are all David....
we stand before mighty giants
with what to the naked eye looks like
nothing but a little sling....
with a tiny stone
to hurl at our adversary...
the POWER in that
We have in our sling
The Cornerstone!

In his New Testament epistle Peter quotes from Isaiah 28:16 as he represents Jesus Christ as " a chief corner stone, elect, precious. The stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner"(1 Peter 2:6,7)

Peter knew that Jesus was well versed and experienced in building construction practice. Indeed the Greek word translated "carpenter" can also stand for "stone mason". And did not the Lord utilize his knowledge of building in his parable of the two houses, one built on the rock and the other built on the sand? (Matthew 7:24-27).

Nowadays the laying of a cornerstone is mainly ceremonial, and before it is laid most of the preliminary construction has already been done and the foundation is already in place. But anciently, the cornerstone was much more important as the actual beginning, from which all other angles and measurements were taken. Before transits and laser beam projections, a builder used his right-angle square, his plumb line, and his compasses, and once his cornerstone was solidly in place it provided the unchanging standard, the unmovable original orientation for the entire structure.

In the language of builders, it took a perfect ashlar* hewn square and straight, to serve as the reference point for a sound and correct edifice*. Jesus Christ is just that feature, the cornerstone of His own true church.

Not by might
Not by power
But By MY Spirit
Says The Lord!!!!

The Power of Almighty God is
in our sling

Anonymous said...

O for a thousand tongues to sing
My great Redeemer’s praise,
The glories of my God and King,
The triumphs of His grace!
My gracious Master and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,
To spread through all the earth abroad
The honors of Thy name.

Jesus! the name that charms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease;
’Tis music in the sinner’s ears,
’Tis life, and health, and peace.

He breaks the power of canceled sin,
He sets the prisoner free;
His blood can make the foulest clean,
His blood availed for me.

Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb,
Your loosened tongues employ;
Ye blind, behold your Savior come,
And leap, ye lame, for joy.

Anonymous said...

IMPOSSIBLE!!!!" Luke 1:37

~~~~"Spirit of the Living God"~~~~

Spirit of the living God,
Fall afresh on me.
Spirit of the living God,
Fall afresh on me.
Break me, melt me,
Mould me, fill me,
Spirit of the living God,
Fall afresh on me.

Spirit of the living God,
Move among us all.
Make us one in heart in mind,
Make us one in love.
Humble, caring, selfless,sharing,
Spirit of the living God,
Fill our lives with love.

This is my
prayer today...
In Jesus' Name

Anonymous said...


a cloth made by weaving, knitting, or felting fibers: woolen fabrics.
2. the texture of the woven, knitted, or felted material: cloth of a soft, pliant fabric.
3. framework; structure: the fabric of society.
4. a building; EDIFICE.
5. the method of construction.
6. the act of constructing, esp. of a church building.
7. the maintenance of such a building.
8. Petrography. the spatial arrangement and orientation of the CONSTITUENTS OF A ROCK!!!!!.

Recently...i got that vision...
Jesus pressing into fabric...
leaving His Image...
amazing to find
EDIFICE....in direct connection!
architecture, build, cast, composition, conception, constitution, contour, cut, development, disposition, EDIFICE, elevation, FABRIC, fabricating, fabrication, figuration, figure, form, , formation, foundation, , mold, origination, outline, plan, planning, , raising, , shape, structure, system,

To my delight
the whole strong...soft thing...
Gentle and Incredibly Strong!!!!

I love the way
to us!!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Thank you Lynda - I have sent you an email with my details. God bless you. What a treat for me !
Love - Esme'

Anonymous said...

"God's Timing"...

This morning,my daughter phoned me
with some "pearls"from The Bible...
and it was good to hear
God often makes us wait...
so the Blessing can be even
bigger !!!!!
He is never late!!!!
He is seldom early
always right on time!
Knowing this
gives us greater ease to
be still
and TRUST Him....
We THINK we know when something should happen,
but we sort of ...don't!!ha
She also pointed out ...
God hears and answers the prayers of the
pure in heart...
those who live honestly before God...
I also want to share that
it is very good
to see
the answer to prayer right in front of you...
when you've fully surrendered to God's timing...
and live in peaceful patience,
all of a sudden(it seems)..
there it is!!!
As perfectly placed as anything COULD be!!!
We have a great deal to thank God for...
and we DO serve an
Awesome God!!
Hello to all the bloggers and
out there
in this kaleidoscopic world!!
You know
on a LONG car trip
when the parents KNOW how long it will take
to get there
but the children in the back don't...
you KNOW how THAT sounds....
(besides annoying)
"are we there yet?" ..repeated over and over
followed by
"how far NOW?"..
on repeat
every few minutes!
BOTH parents arriving at the eventual destination
with a lot LESS HAIR than when they started out!no doubt!
Quick stop at the drug-store for a couple of bottles of
REGAIN!!!and ...well...you get the picture.
There really IS no point
nagging God over something...
once we've built a close relationship...we tend to automatically TRUST..
they say...
the more you KNOW someone
the more you trust them...so
there is NO SAFER PLACE to apply
this than with OUR LORD JESUS!
Get things to occupy you
on your long "car-trip"...
and enjoy letting God
do all the planning!

The Gospel According To John said...

rough diamond said:

>on your long "car-trip"...
>and enjoy letting God
>do all the planning!


Anonymous said...

"Come Follow Me"...Matthew4:19
The word disciple means being an apprentice to someone.
And it was easy to tell if someone had done that.
Peter,James and John made a decision to spend every day with Jesus in order to learn how to be like Him.
They did the same things you do...they ate,slept,worked,played and learned.
They just did all these things with Jesus!
What happened to these three fishermen 2000 years ago,can happen to you.
Your season of life,your temerament,your job...
these are no obstacles.
Throughout history,when people came to understand what Jesus was really offering,they would sacrifice anything--money,comfort,home,
security --to get the chance to follow Him too.
These words are from a young pastor in Zimbabwe,Africa,
who was later
for his faith....

"The die has been cast.
I have stepped over the line.
The decision has been made--
i am a disciple of HIS.
I won't look back,let up,slow down,
back away,or be still.
My past is redeemed,
my present makes sense
and my future is secure.
I'm finished with
*low living
*sight walking
*smooth knees
*colourless dreams
*tamed visions
*worldly talking
*cheap giving
*and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need
*preeminence ( Superior to or notable above all others;outstanding)
(high status, importance owing to marked superiority;) "a scholar of great eminence" [syn: eminence
*plaudits(enthusiastic expression of approval)
I don't have to be
I now live
*by faith,
*depend on HIS PRESENCE
*walk by patience
*am uplifted by prayer
*and labour with power!"

That's what it means
to be
a disciple

Anonymous said...

"Come Follow Me"...Matthew4:19
The word disciple means being an apprentice to someone.
And it was easy to tell if someone had done that.
Peter,James and John made a decision to spend every day with Jesus in order to learn how to be like Him.
They did the same things you do...they ate,slept,worked,played and learned.
They just did all these things with Jesus!
What happened to these three fishermen 2000 years ago,can happen to you.
Your season of life,your temerament,your job...
these are no obstacles.
Throughout history,when people came to understand what Jesus was really offering,they would sacrifice anything--money,comfort,home,
security --to get the chance to follow Him too.
These words are from a young pastor in Zimbabwe,Africa,
who was later
for his faith....

"The die has been cast.
I have stepped over the line.
The decision has been made--
i am a disciple of HIS.
I won't look back,let up,slow down,
back away,or be still.
My past is redeemed,
my present makes sense
and my future is secure.
I'm finished with
*low living
*sight walking
*smooth knees
*colourless dreams
*tamed visions
*worldly talking
*cheap giving
*and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need
*preeminence ( Superior to or notable above all others;outstanding)
(high status, importance owing to marked superiority;) "a scholar of great eminence" [syn: eminence
*plaudits(enthusiastic expression of approval)
I don't have to be
I now live
*by faith,
*depend on HIS PRESENCE
*walk by patience
*am uplifted by prayer
*and labour with power!"

That's what it means
to be
a disciple

Anonymous said...

"Come Follow Me"...Matthew4:19
The word disciple means being an apprentice to someone.
And it was easy to tell if someone had done that.
Peter,James and John made a decision to spend every day with Jesus in order to learn how to be like Him.
They did the same things you do...they ate,slept,worked,played and learned.
They just did all these things with Jesus!
What happened to these three fishermen 2000 years ago,can happen to you.
Your season of life,your temerament,your job...
these are no obstacles.
Throughout history,when people came to understand what Jesus was really offering,they would sacrifice anything--money,comfort,home,
security --to get the chance to follow Him too.
These words are from a young pastor in Zimbabwe,Africa,
who was later
for his faith....

"The die has been cast.
I have stepped over the line.
The decision has been made--
i am a disciple of HIS.
I won't look back,let up,slow down,
back away,or be still.
My past is redeemed,
my present makes sense
and my future is secure.
I'm finished with
*low living
*sight walking
*smooth knees
*colourless dreams
*tamed visions
*worldly talking
*cheap giving
*and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need
*preeminence ( Superior to or notable above all others;outstanding)
(high status, importance owing to marked superiority;) "a scholar of great eminence" [syn: eminence
*plaudits(enthusiastic expression of approval)
I don't have to be
I now live
*by faith,
*depend on HIS PRESENCE
*walk by patience
*am uplifted by prayer
*and labour with power!"

That's what it means
to be
a disciple

Anonymous said...

"Jesus Forgives"

Jesus forgives when we....
Think we know better
don't surrender all
don't "do" to the last letter
drop the ball
won't offer ourselves
carry shame
keep unwanteds on the shelf
can't play the game
Just be honest
show Him everything
be open,true and real
give over unwanted blame
He will reveal!!!
Jesus Forgives...
His Mercy,Grace and LOVE is

FOR (to) GIVE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Jesus Forgives"

Jesus forgives when we....
Think we know better
don't surrender all
don't "do" to the last letter
drop the ball
won't offer ourselves
carry shame
keep unwanteds on the shelf
can't play the game
Just be honest
show Him everything
be open,true and real
give over unwanted blame
He will reveal!!!
Jesus Forgives...
His Mercy,Grace and LOVE is

FOR (to) GIVE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Sewing Seeds"....

This most generous God who gives seed to the farmer that becomes bread for your meals is more than extravagant with you. He gives you something you can then give away, which grows into full-formed lives, robust in God."
(2 Corinthians 9:10)

God is faithful to reward you for the seeds of His unconditional love and unending hope that you help to sow in the lives of others. Today's verse makes the astounding promise that the more seeds you sow, the more God will increase your supply of seed so you can be an even greater blessing to those around you. The seeds of His Word and His love that you sow will produce a harvest that you will also share in. You may or may not be able to see the final harvest in your lifetime, but that's where God's promise really kicks in. His promise is not only for this life, but for your eternal life! God wants to multiply His favor and abundance on your work, your health, your relationships and your finances to meet your own needs and have an abundance to share with others.

A Prayer for Today

God, thank You for Your faithfulness to me, and Your promises of blessings. May I serve You in everything I do today so that I may be found faithful. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Joel & Victoria Osteen
Word for today....

Anonymous said...

"Sewing Seeds"....

This most generous God who gives seed to the farmer that becomes bread for your meals is more than extravagant with you. He gives you something you can then give away, which grows into full-formed lives, robust in God."
(2 Corinthians 9:10)

God is faithful to reward you for the seeds of His unconditional love and unending hope that you help to sow in the lives of others. Today's verse makes the astounding promise that the more seeds you sow, the more God will increase your supply of seed so you can be an even greater blessing to those around you. The seeds of His Word and His love that you sow will produce a harvest that you will also share in. You may or may not be able to see the final harvest in your lifetime, but that's where God's promise really kicks in. His promise is not only for this life, but for your eternal life! God wants to multiply His favor and abundance on your work, your health, your relationships and your finances to meet your own needs and have an abundance to share with others.

A Prayer for Today

God, thank You for Your faithfulness to me, and Your promises of blessings. May I serve You in everything I do today so that I may be found faithful. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Joel & Victoria Osteen
Word for today....

Anonymous said...

"Our goal is to measure up to
God's plan for us" 2 Corinthians 10:13

Da Vinci only painted one Mona Lisa.
Beethoven only composed one
Fifth Symphony.
And God only made one version of you.
He custom-made you for a one-of-a-kind assignment.
"How can i discover mine?" you ask.
Your ability reveals your destiny!
"If anyone ministers,let him do it with the ability which God supplies."
When God gives you an assignment,He also gives you the skill-set.
Whenever you say...
I was made for this...
it usually indicates what your
skill-set is!
Heed the music within,then dance to it.
No one else hears it the way you do.
Look back...what have you done consistently well?
What have you loved to do?
Stand at the intersection of
Your desires and your successes,
and you'll find
your uniqueness.
"The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others"
1 Cor.12:7
Paul said..."Our goal is to measure up to God's plan for us"...
Don't worry about skills you don't have and don't covet strengths others do have.
Just maximise your God-given gifts.
"Kindle afresh the gift of God
which is within you".
If you're not sure what God has called you to do...
get down on your knees,
and ask Him to reveal it to you.
And when He does...
pour yourself into it!

Anonymous said...

"Jesus Takes your hand"....

Yours is the hand He LOVES to hold!

Last night,i went outside the Hospital,with coffee,for fresh air,while my daughter was x-rayed for a sprained ankle.
(Nothing fractured,but on crutches....soft tissue injury).
I met a woman,who i shared my coffee with ,and listening to her story ,is a vivid reminder that:

Jesus Hears us,and is interested in our hearts,and lives,and hopes,and dreams,and
when we have the opportunity to sew seed,we do!
His love blows people away,and they are strengthened,and HEARD,and supported,and encouraged,and their heart's cry is answered!
It takes people to reach people!
The touch is JESUS...
He uses US to be His Hands,His words,His Heart,His LOVE!
He places us in the "perfect spot"
at the "perfect time"... to let them know that
It was just such an amazing blessing;
a big fat hug to say goodbye,
an "agreement" made....
with two people knowing Jesus was in the MIDST!!!!and
now,i am able to lift her up to Our God and Father,and ask Him to
shower His Favour on her !
Mark 5:25...There was a woman in the crowd....
She touched the HEM of Jesus' robe,and He felt the power exit,and she felt the power enter!
With the town bishop waiting,and a child dying,and the crowd pressing,Jesus makes time for
"woman on the fringe!!!"
Using a term He uses for no one else He says:
"Daughter,your FAITH has made you well!"
Illness took her strength...
what has taken yours?
Your family may shun it,society may avoid it.....
Jesus wants to TOUCH whatever
took your strength.
Yours is
the hand
Amen and Amen

Anonymous said...

Oh how great is this picture in my mind of Jesus holding MY hand. That so blessed me - thanks Rough Diamond. All the posts have been so inspiring but it is always the simple things in life that touches one's heart.
God bless - Esme' South Africa

Anonymous said...

"Restoration and Reconstruction"

When we offer all the things that "took our strength" to Jesus.....
He heals us,and
transforms them into NEW strengths that
allow us to help others who are in the position we WERE...
we UNDERSTAND...and there's no substitute for
When a woman is about to give birth....
she is way more confident and comfortable with the assistance of a woman who has HAD a child,than the chap in the white coat...who has
studied up on it!!!
It just seems ,that
full surrender is essential,if you want to
free yourself of unnecessary
BE FREE my pretties!!!!
(sorry...you sounded like fairies just then ...HA!)and(i could have been GOLEM!)NO NO ~~nice voice ~~nice voice!!
(the precious!!!)haha
You get what i mean though....
It is astounding how refreshing
Total Dependance on God can be!!!

It really is
a matter
of TRUST!!!

Trust and obey
for there's no other way
to be happy in JESUS
than to Trust and Obey!!!!!

Have an amazing day...
"loading up"
on new strengths!!!

Just had a thought...

imagine if you will...
a person takes a load of useless,broken,powerless,worthless,damaged beyond recognition,
to a dealer/repair chap...
and is not only told that it is all fit for the dump!!!(burning!)
not only...
having everything replaced with brand,spanking new items...but
a whole warehouse besides!!!and
told that when they wear down,come back for more and more and more and more and more and more...
got a bit carried away!!!!!

NOW...have a Blessed Day...
In Jesus' Name

Anonymous said...

Hello Esme!!!
We ARE hopeless romantics ay?!!!
Thank The Lord for THAT!!!!

There's nothing simpler than
"I love You..."
and in His Eyes...you see
Full acceptance
and tenderness
and strength
total absence of fear!!!!

Anonymous said...


"His robe was seamless....woven in one piece from the top" JOHN 19:23

The Bible doesn't say much about what Jesus wore....with one notable exception.
John tells us that at Calvary.."They took His robe...it was seamless,woven in one piece from the top".
It was traditional for Jewish Mothers to make these garments as gifts for their sons who were leaving home.
So while we don't know if Mary made His robe,it was likely a cherished possession.
Throughout The Bible clothes symbolise behaviour and character.
Peter writes about being "clothed with humility"
Paul says "Put on Christlikeness like...new clothes"
David tells us that the evil people are clothed "with cursing".
Like His robes,Jesus' Character was seamless!integrated and perfect!
"Woven from the top down" indicates that He was always directed by The Mind of God.
In fact He said.."The Son can do nothing...only what He sees The Father doing"..JOHN 5:19....
But when Jesus was crucified,He set aside His seamless robe,"changed places with us",and put on robes of sin that had our names on them.
He died like a common criminal for sins He didn't commit,so that we could wear "The Garments of Righteousness!"
So that sinners like us, coming to The Cross
could leave wearing
The belt of "goodness and fairness"
and the
"garment of Salvation!".
Not only did Jesus prepare a place in Heaven for us....
He made sure we'd be
"properly dressed"
for the occasion!

Anonymous said...

"I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself." (I Corinthians 4:3)

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

You are anointed to be the person God has called you to be! The enemy may try to make you think you have to conform to the opinions of others, but if you are secure in who God made you, you can resist those outside demands and pressures that try to mold you into something you're not. Don't rely on the opinions and approval of others. Don't let them steal your unique creativity. God made each of us with a different purpose. As you continue to grow in your relationship with the Lord, through prayer, worship, and fellowship, you will gain confidence in the Lord that will free you from the opinions of man, and allow you to be who God called you to be!

A Prayer for Today

God, I want to live for your approval alone. I need to feel your strength when I feel tempted to change who I am to conform to this world. Please help me to remember that You love me just the way I am! In Jesus' name - Amen.

Anonymous said...

"JESUS at the Hospital"...

Last night i was up there having my injured back looked at..x-rays ,blood-tests etc.,
and two things happened that are so cool!

Esme' would say..."are you for real?!"

The first was : a man and lady came in...he holding his stomach in severe pain!
Yes...i started praying!
She filled out papers,while he remained hunched over in pain...he then went to the gents...and as time went on,and he didn't come out..i hoped he hadn't collapsed!
I opened a conversation in Mandarin..and was told they were Korean,so made the switch,and greeted her in Korean,and (in English)suggested to her that a male nurse should go and see if he was o.k. which they did...
When he emerged..we talked a little more about his condition,and while we were talking...he improved!!! to the point where he wanted to leave...without being seen!
The fastest recovery from ???poisoning i have ever seen!
The second ..involves
"Lawrence"...a tall,dark,exotic chap,with African origins, who presented with a seriously sore arm,which he cradled guardedly!!
He sat crumpled over,struggling to find a comfy way to sit ,while shielding his soreness!
Again...i felt to pray....
He was so agonised...
he eventually came and sat beside me...and i suddenly felt that he needed a pillow as he had his head against the wall!
I found one,and settled his head on it,i gently touched his head...and softly told him to lean on me!for support...back to back!Meanwhile,my back is twanging with spasms,and all i could do was pray that the Jesus in me would permeate through him by "horizontal osmosis"...and heal him!
I could feel the undulation of his every breath!It's not the sort of thing i do very often!like never...
I said to Lawrence.."groggy or not...you have to marry me now!"
JUST KIDDING...he was in no mood for fun!
He remained like that for a while,and suddenly,and effortlessly...got up,thanked me,and discharged himself!!!!
the staff just looked bewildered and stunned.One Nurse had rather large eyes,and they got even bigger!She looked so surprised...
Twice in one night!
If i stayed any longer,the Doctors would be out of a job..(calm down).
It was amazing how gently and subtly these events happened..like we were in our own BUBBLE!
I was on such a high...and not from my strong meds!
I woke for the first time in ages...with a lot less pain!!!
Praise Jesus!!!
He truly is AMAZING!!!
Hey! The disciples of old did this all the time!!!
His Power is within us to heal the sick!!!!
Thank You Lord!!!
Sometimes Faith is a reflex,
You see the need and
you just
automatically believe!!!

Anonymous said...

My goodness gracious me ! are you for real ? huh ? we need a mandarin, Korean speaking, pillow giving, praying person over here - when you coming ?
Jokes aside - you are right - we are His Hands, His feet, His arms to love and care for His people. We just need to b obedient - well done good and faithful Rough Diamond. I trust that your back is better now. God bless you. Esme'

Anonymous said...

" Bottles of bubbles"!
" Marionettes"

What strikes me...is the ease with which spectacular things happen...'seems... all you need is willingness...
as Ronald pointed out
When the heart says "YES and Amen!"
When our hearts carry so much love for The Lord...it has no choice but to spill out and over to others...
the overflow!
If we remain "capped"..in regard to showing total strangers HiS Love....like a fizzy drink...you don't know how explosive and effervescant it is till you take the CAP OFF!!!!
Imagine shaking it first.bang!releasing all those tantalising bubbles!
The decision to act on a loving impulse,becomes natural...'cause your heart is so "given over" to Jesus ,and the Love for Him enables you to just do it ,without the
CLUTTER of SCATTERED "boubt chairs",
and "negative sofas",
and "rejection ottomans" etc.,and "fear" suites,
and "i might look silly"tables....
and i'm not in the mood king size beds!"
When i show love and help to others...it is vividly clear..that Jesus is the Director,and Conductor...i clearly,am only the instrument that follows His delicate but perfectly on cue down , up and sideways strokes....

I am but a "marionette" dangling beneath His wonderfully strong Hands...ever connected to My Saviour ...and where he positions me ...i glide,and dance,and interact,and mingle, and wait ....sometimes for such a long time,and i fidget,and He watches...and i KNOW He sees every little wriggle of impatience,and yet..."this play" was foreordained,and all this is coming to pass ...just as He penned it!!!!
We are all puppets on His Strings...so
i guess it boils down to ...we must stay TIED! if we pull so hard that the strings snap...we find ourselves hanging ,slouching,in an awkward stance,unable to function to our full capacity....we must remain tied and perfectly fastened to Jesus!
It is a comfort to know that JESUS NEVER LETS GO!
If you feel some "SLACK" on the strings...
It wasn't HIM who untied it!!!!
Food for thought there !ha!

Anonymous said...

" Your True Identity"....

The ONLY opinion of you that counts...
is Christ's!
His Faithfulness is flawless...and if you look at His "track record,"..
His proves to be perfect!
There are very few people,for which you can say the same...unfortunately.
If you have one true friend,you are blessed.
"Fox-hole friends" are there in adversity,as well as good times.
We all need a fox-hole friend...they are the one true friend!
Through thick and thin!
Don't waste one moment,being less than what God made you to be.
If you wish you were someone else...who will be YOU?
We are all candles,and if we put around us a shade that has cut-out shapes that are not us......we cast the wrong design on the space around us!
Let your light burn with the YOU that God created you to be....
and the design that shines out will be dazzling!and real,and pure,and true!
A woman once said to me" I wish i was "so and so"...
and i said
"If you were her...who'd be YOU?"

Let the opinion God has of you,be the only one you believe!!!!!
Your boat will stay on course,and you will sail a better race!

Anonymous said...

Jesus stands before you
Arms outsretched
and says three words
"Come to Me"
and when His arms are firmly wrapped around you
with His cheek on your cheek
You feel His breathe on your ear
He whispers into the core of your
"I Love You".......

Anonymous said...

"The Ripple Effect".....

Prayer is not the preparation for a great work...
it IS the great work.....
Prayer is the slender thread
that MOVES the Hand of GOD!
God scans the whole earth
to find one who
will PRAY!
When we have a goal
to get as close to God as we possibly can....
He tells us things that
only we can hear,and only we can know
'cause we are THAT close
to the Voice of Almighty God...
and when we can share that with others
in the precise moment
in their life for it to be
it is explosive!
It blows them away...
it is only because
we have asked God to
give us what they need
right now
at this specific moment
in their life.
Like a surgeon....who knows
what to do once he/she has opened up a patient
and all is revealed
and the skill and knowledge that
they have prepared for
can be
EXACTED to the very place
that requires attention,
we too can be that "hand" that
brings the TOUCH that
makes everything better!
Jesus...only Jesus!
There is supernatural wonder
in that!
It continues to astound me!
My daughter encountered that tonight...after church,and
she is FLOORED!& ecstatic!
She prayed for a chap....and
without going into the details
suffice it to say
she told us
and the ripple effect is evident already!
My OTHER daughter was so moved by that account...we were all in tears
and it was a special moment...
especially on Mother's Day!
A real bond of generations,just Glorifying God
and Marvelling at His
Love and Compassion for His Children!
Jesus is so into reaching the ones who
the world has overlokked them
the world has forgotten about them,
and does not understand them...
He welcomes people with open arms,not as a "case study"
or a patient....who ensures an income for them as they dig deep into the past,
clocking up untold dollars,to get to the root of the problem,
starting from birth!
Jesus meets us where we are!
He has time for us,and we are the top priority of the moment!
He Cares for our immediate recovery and healing...
not a long drawn out process!
Come to Jesus
just as you are
open yourself wide
and Trust Him to be Gentle with you
and know
He only wants to Love you!
His nature is Love
He can do nothing OTHER than LOVE you!
He only wants you to
let Him!
Be vulnerable...
and He promises to
change your life!!!!!
There is no bigger BUZZ
out there
than seeing Jesus
Touch the heart of someone!!!!
It can not be surpassed by any
earthly gain.
Let the ripples go on and on and on and on and on...............

Anonymous said...

what can i say....
'moved to tears.....
Jesus wants us to have a
close relationship with Him...
find out who He is,get up close and personal!
I had a thought...
you "hit the nail on the head..".
the NAIL that pierced His hands as He died to SAVE US!!!!!
It is not about Religion,that can bind you up,and tie you to rules and unattainable strict,rigid demands.....
Jesus is all about wanting us to just love Him!
Get as intimate as we can!
It sure beats bondage.
Look at anything that binds you...ties you up...
restricts you,and then
ask God to cut it off!
It frees us up to walk a freedom walk!
Jesus said...Take My yoke upon you,for My yoke is easy,and My burden light!
The yoke is NOT supposed to CHAFE and RUB!!!!
When a farmer is training a young ox to bear the yoke....
he fits it with a little yoke and this is the perfect size...
this is yoked to the larger oxen...with the heavier yoke,and off they go
the larger,stronger,more experienced ox
BEARING the weight!!!!!
Praise GOD!!!
What a picture...
I love the picture Esme' drew...of us
being so close to our Lord as to touch the very places that
Thank You Lord for paying the price!!!
All He wants,is for us to latch ourselves onto Him,and do life's journey
with HIM!!!

Anonymous said...

Chris Rice - Untitled Hymm
(Come To Jesus),

"Come to Jesus ".....

Weak and wounded sinner,
Lost and left to die,
O, raise your head for Love is passing by,

Come to Jesus,
Come to Jesus,
Come to Jesus and live,

Now your burden's lifted,
And carried far away,
And precious blood has washed away the stain... so

Sing to Jesus ,
Sing to Jesus ,
Sing to Jesus and live,

And like a newborn baby,
Don't be afraid to crawl,
And remember when you walk sometimes we fall... so

Fall on Jesus,
Fall on Jesus,
Fall on Jesus and live,

Sometimes the way is lonely,
And steep and filled with pain,
So if your sky is dark and pours the rain... then

Cry to Jesus,
Cry to Jesus,
Cry to Jesus and live,

O, and when the love splills over,
And music fills the night,
And when you can't contain you joy inside... then

Dance for Jesus,
Dance for Jesus,
Dance for Jesus and live,

And with your final heartbeat,
Kiss the world goodbye,
Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side... and

Fly to Jesus,
Fly to Jesus,
Fly to Jesus and live,

Fly to Jesus,
Fly to Jesus,
Fly to Jesus and live,

Anonymous said...

"Let the ripples go on and on and on...." Sounds like a line in a song and one just feels like just humming a tune to that - Praise His wonderful Name forever for what He has done. It sure makes my heart glad.

Anonymous said...

Psalm 86:11-13:

11 -17 Train me, God, to walk straight;
then I'll follow your true path.
Put me together, one heart and mind;
then, undivided, I'll worship in joyful fear.
From the bottom of my heart I thank you, dear Lord;
I've never kept secret what you're up to.
You've always been great toward me—WHAT LOVE!
You snatched me from the brink of disaster!
God, these bullies have reared their heads!
A gang of thugs is after me—
and they don't care a thing about you.
But you, O God, are both tender and kind,
not easily angered, immense in love,
and you never, never quit.
So look me in the eye and show kindness,
give your servant the strength to go on,
save your dear, dear child!
Make a show of how much you love me
so the bullies who hate me will stand there slack-jawed,
As you, God, gently and powerfully
put me back on my feet.

Anonymous said...

Hope That Never Lets You Down

Today's Scripture

“Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (Romans 5:5)

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Even Christians can sometimes feel hopeless and powerless to overcome adversities.
Maybe you feel trapped in your job, or your marriage is in trouble and there doesn’t seem to be an answer.
You may have a child who is on the wrong path.
Or maybe you are single and have given up any hope of ever meeting the right person.
But no matter where you are, God can turn your situation around—and it could start happening today!
If you believe with all your heart that God has something great around the corner for you,
then hope will take over.
God’s hope is such a powerful thing that it can keep you going when practically nothing else can. That’s because God’s hope will never fail or let you down,
even if everything else does.

A Prayer for Today

God, thank You for giving me never-ending hope.
I confess today that I will live confidently in Your hope because I know I’ll never be let down.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.