

Hi. Ronald here again :)

I just came back from sending another one of the JOHN postcards. And I thought, "I wonder what other are people doing in promoting this project?"

What's your story? Share with us your ideas.


The Gospel According To John said...

to "a friend" -
thank you so much for your words of encouragement. yes, the Lord is doing it. He is bringing us together.

Anonymous said...

Well Ronald, I don't think I've done anyting special or extraordinarily creative, but, maybe comical for my first attempt... the first thing I did when I heard of "John" was, I wrote to Orpah - I know, I know. But hey, why not. Then I emailed website links to major news stations, regional and local news and papers. Of course, I attached the website links to my online profile, etc. Once the Bigness of God CDs came out, I sent those out to churches in my state, radio stations, and to those people that I know. When my thank you DVD arrived (this is a neat thing that MarchMin occasionally sends out to those who have made ministry donations), it contained some postcards, which I then mailed out to additional radio stations. And, whenever I get the opportunity (i.e. someone expresses their faith around me!) I tell folks about the movie (though I'll be honest and tell you, if folks haven't yet heard of Bruce - and there are many who haven't yet heard of him - they aren't always so open to hearing of the movie -- but if you don't try then...you'll never know is how I see it so I go ahead and tell them!). Having done those things, I'll tell you I sort of feel as though I haven't done nearly enough! It just blows me away to hear of some of the ideas people are coming up with and doing! God's people are truly amazing.
~ Kris in WA

The Gospel According To John said...

to Kris -

writing to Oprah? that is awesome!

that's the kind of things I've been doing here as well, mailing out postcards to whoever i can think of.

i think we just keep going. and we never know what "tricks" God has "up His sleeves" - if i can put it that way.

in the mean time, we pray and keep imagining where the Lord would take JOHN.

Anonymous said...

To Ronald -

Well yeah, Oprah: I thought gee now there is some wide exposure for the movie/books etc; that may tell lots and lots of folks about it all... But, then I later realized, that, perhaps, that's just too focused an avenue there if you know what I mean. Maybe, God is expecting his "body" to make a joyous noise toward this new news...together in unity rather than from one large avenue. But, I guess you just never know how the Lord will use any one source! That said, in reality, it's the small steps that count more than the big...what does the bible say(among other things!)...the body is made of many parts...joining and working together... "Together" is the key! Together we hold each other up, in, and through. We were never meant to go it alone...never meant to carry all of the burden...this is what unity is all about! All we the body need to say is "Yes Lord." And...in the timing of His will, John will be done. What a day that's gonna be! "Woot!"
~ Kris in Wa.

Anonymous said...

Just a thought - it feel a wee bit silly saying this but here goes - Couldnt the Movie - the Gospel According to John be condensed to 1 hour asking God to show Bruce what to leave in and leave out ? Wouldnt it cost less to produce if only parts are done and wouldnt it be able to get into people's hands quicker this way ? Forgive me if this is a stupid idea.

Anonymous said...

I read the article that Bruce wrote in the magazine "Lord fix my dad" - I was so moved and am asking the Lord to give Bruce a Fathers Day gift (on his fathers behalf) by giving him his Dad restored, healed and raised to his feet. I am trusting God for this on Bruce' behalf. He has blessed me so much I pray a special blessing on him.

Anonymous said...

A word of encouragement for all South African supporters of MarchMin. Let us put on our thinking caps to come up with a fantastic idea to promote the movie "JOHN". After all - "MATTHEW" was born from Regardt van den Berg in South Africa. Come guys what can we do ? esme' from SA

Anonymous said...

I wonder what would happen, if, very large posters of the JOHN postcard were made and then posted at high schools and maybe colleges on the billboards, especially the high schools - if that is even allowed by the schools, I don't know, but, I wonder. I wonder if there is a large commercial printer out there with maybe a big commercial press that could somehow offer some help in getting them printed... It seems that larger posters maybe catch the eyes of the younger generations? Just throwing out an idea. I'd be willing to post some of the larger ones at schools (if they'd let me). Kris in Wa

Anonymous said...

speaking of Posters, and possibly at schools. Does anyone have a son
or daughter going away to school in the Fall to University/College
or Tech school, send some info with them to get the word out there
as well.

Anonymous said...

To Canada...great idea about the kids going off to school. I know there are also private christian schools in addition to secular schools that perhaps would be willing to post info...(and the ideas keep growing tnanks to sharing with each other) :) Kris in Wa

Anonymous said...

And another avenue that maybe we don't think of right away... is the gyms...don't forget the gyms! sometimes they put stuff on countertops/boards etc :) Kris in WA